Tuesday, July 1, 2014
NACCC general meeting - Tuesday afternoon
5 things you need to know about SLC -
1. you can't find a good cup of coffee
not true: check out Jack Mormon Brewing Co.; Bjorns Brew Gourmet Coffee
2. SLC is all Mormon
not true: Islam, Buddhist, Hindu, Zen, Pagan, Catholic, Baptist, and even some Congregationalists!
3. SLC is a 'dry' town
not true: there are 118 bars in the city; 12 local breweries
4. SLC is not very diverse
not true: lots and lots of different ethnic cultures represented; 2013 National League of Cities Diversity Award winner
5. Congregationalism has a brief history in Utah
not true: FCC is celebrating 150th anniversary; first non-LDS community in Utah (1865)
Plan to extend your trip - there are wonderful opportunities for vacation
- lots of national parks, stunning beauty
Honor 2014 Congregational Foundation for Theological Studies grads
- alternative to building a brick-and-mortar seminary
- each student attends 3 Congregational classes
- each student completes a rigorous research project
- each student is well-trained, and prepared to minister in NACCC churches
- not just church ministry, CFTS grads are prepared to minister in many ways
Sarah, CFTS grad
Ian, CFTS grad
Sights and Sounds ala Lee
It's no easy thing managing two projectors, two video cameras and a full sound board. Especially not in a space you don't own, relying on equipment you don't own, serving people who like to make changes on the fly. Please take the time to say thanks.
A(nother) new beginning...
We will continue our transformation into a new structure by focusing on a single Executive Director. I have been a part of the process of fleshing out such an idea and I am a strong advocate for this approach, but also of the methodology we have used to get here.
We sought to use a crucial new role in our association: the year-round delegate. We reached out with information and for feedback, seeking clarity and unity in our work. We held off any 'final draft' until we had exhausted that avenue as far as we could tell. It meant that not all churches were treated equally, except that all churches were included IF they had such a delegate. It was a risk, but one based on our new structure, honoring and forging a new path for possible future use. With prayerful hearts, we can use this all again and again to find new shared wisdom together.
Now in our third Bible lecture, we are looking at the Beatitudes and several other verses, Matthew 5:3-10, 43-45 and 7:12, turning to our neighbors for discussion. Our best wisdom begins when we turn to our neighbors, all of our neighbors, and share, speaking and listening and listening together. Our community that gathers us
Our Bible lecturer, Dr. Richard Cleaves has been in and out of our business meetings, but has been guided to a message for us that has spoken as clearly as if he had written our agenda and made our motions and resolutions. This is God's work, a clear testament to the moving of the Spirit and the gifts of seeking that voice that can guide, unite and empower us.
As I reflect on this morning, and where we have been together, I am hopeful in more ways than ever about where we are going, because, truly, the Lord God is with us wherever we go.
Dr. Cleaves' full lectures are listed on his blog: click here to read all of his notes, up until this morning, and soon to be joined by today's work too: http://withyouwhereveryougo.blogspot.co.uk/
from Bible lecture #3 - issues of identity
The Bible lectures, along with some of the slides, are posted on Dr. Cleaves' website:
They are heartily recommended.
In the Beatitudes, you could read "blessed are" as "Get up, go ahead, do something, move..." - which adds a refreshing perspective to the words of Jesus.
NACCC general meeting - Tuesday morning
Credentials Report - Dian Cummins
- California has the most delegates
- People's Church has the most representatives
Vote on Resolutions by the Executive Committee - Becci Dawson Cox
* Motion 2014 EC 041 - first resolution is about the Stragegic Staffing plan to move to a one executive model
-amendment to resolution: the NACCC should adopt the single executive model with necessary staff support (change from very specific motion including language about flowcharts, to this more simplified version) - amendment is adopted.
- Discussion on Resolution from the floor:
- the vision of the NACCC right now is about moving to a one executive model; if it doesn't work, we can always change it later (it's not set in stone for the future) - as we go, God is with us; let's just go foward and see what God will do
- request that the Executive Committee actively seek input from churches AS the job descriptions, etc, are being developed
- what will happen to the current staff? New jobs will be created; current staff will not immediately lose their jobs
- the open search process is curcial for the integrity of the current Dean, who is very competent; preparations for understanding the work of the gathered group are important, and being prepared beforehand is important, as well as dealing with the matters as we have them AT the meeting
- change is difficult; story of Ruth and Naomi - her decision was made without knowing how it was going to turn out; we need to make the right decision and vote FOR the resolution
- a proposal to postpone the vote for one year; giving all churches opportuntiy to discuss these changes and give feedback; much discussion from the floor; proposal to postpone is defeated
- concern that the work of the Center for Congregational Leadership would fade if the Dean became the single executive
- why would the instructional responsiblities of the Center For Theological Studies separated from the executive position
** after much discussion, the question was called to vote on the first resolution for the Stragegic Staffing plan to move to a one executive model, with necessary staff support; motion is adopted.
* Motion 2013 EC 042 - The EC / BoD should appoint a search committee to fill the position of an Executive Director (plus additional language about how the committee will be staffed, what they'll do, etc.); motion is adopted
Financial Report
Introduction of the 2014-2015 Budget
Art from the Hilton Omaha
Lots of interesting and beautiful art in the hotel this year, and even more outside. Omaha has an artistic sensibility that really surprised and delighted me.
Richard Cleaves lectures online
Monday, June 30, 2014
Bible Lecture-session Two
At the table, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. And Dr. Cleaves takes us back through the Emmaus Road texts from yesterday's lecture. And now we review the reading of the Bible, especially the Old Testament, looking for what is written and what we read there, both.
So what if we applied those same two questions to the writings of the Prophets, just beyond the writings of the Law we studied yesterday?
What is written? Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the Book of the 12
But what do we read there? We turn to Mark 8:27-33, reading the story and discussing it briefly with those around us. Feel free to do the same!
We saw the comparison of Peter's correct statement and his very incorrect statement in just a few verses, alongside the dual emphasis of 'who do you say that I am' in v. 29 and keeping our minds on divine things in v. 33 as significant in these texts.
Dr. Cleaves praises Marcus Borg and NT Wright as examples of the kinds of Biblical scholarship that can guide us as we work to read correctly.
Jesus asks an appropriate teacher's question, seeking feedback from his students. They reply with potentially useful ideas; John the Baptist and Elijah and the prophets show some understanding.
Jesus knew his Bible, even as early as age 12 when he was lost in the temple, asking questions and sharing his own answers. Isn't it likely (it was his custom we are told) that Jesus would continue to do this right up through the start of his ministry at age 30? Isaiah 61 was his first text for preaching...a prophet not celebrated in his own land.
John the Baptist in Matthew 3:2 explains his approach, similar to the prophets of old. Jesus in Matthew 4:17 explains his approach by taking up the mantle of John the Baptist like Elisha did for Elijah. He is a continuation of that long line of prophets, comparable to Elijah and Elisha.
Jotham, Samuel, Nathan, others, speak to the weakness of power and bring truth to power, just like John the Baptist did in Luke's teaching. This costs John his life, and Jesus retreats to the mountain to pray. When he shares the Sermon on the Mount, he is sharing this same kind of message. This makes him a new threat in the same vein as John the Baptist.
Jesus asks his questions of the disciples at Caesarea Philippi, a new city built by the son of Herod the Great as a sign of power and authority. It reflects a great city of power that recognizes Caesar as God and Augustus as the Son of God by including a temple to Augustus and this is the setting for their answers, first about Jesus fulfilling the Old Testament, then Jesus as messiah. When he describes the suffering that will come, Peter sees it another way, as a promise of power that will overcome that he sees as unacceptable.
And Jesus rebukes Peter. He says you (and we) are thinking of human mechanisms and institutions, and he (and we) need to remember that the kingdom that Jesus speaks of is one of proper use of power like the prophets described as they critiqued and praised their kings.
Isaiah 61 tells us some important factors in this work: good news, release, sight, freedom and the Lord's favor (favour!) will be abundant.
Also Isaiah 11:3b-5
And Isaiah 32
And Isaiah 53, the suffering servant.
These are the passages that show us how to rule in God's way in God's kingdom, righteousness and justice, good news to the poor and release to the captives.
Peter sees this on Pentecost, seven weeks after the resurrection, and quotes the prophet Joel, a promise of what is yet to come for the Kingdom, found in Acts 2.
We must read the prophets in this way, to see and know what we are being called to do, in taking up the mantle now, to speak truth to power, to truly bring good news to the poor and fulfill that prophetic voice, keeping our minds on divine things, knowing that the Lord, our God is with us wherever we go.
We closed our session in prayer, grateful for this wonderful and generous teacher, and new thoughts to take with us, wherever we go!
Around the Congregational Kitchen Table
Thanks, Larry, for giving us not just an image to enjoy, but also a table around which to gather over a cup of coffee (or tea) and talk.
Would somebody pass the creamer?
NACCC general meeting - mid-morning notes
- the EC has been functioning as a Board of Directors
- our votes were unanimous on every decisions (and we're still Congregationalists!)
- we had a number of conference calls, and achieved consensus
- we feel we've been blessed by the Holy Spirit this year
- we worked to intentionally transform into a new Board of Directors (when ratified)
- we recognize that in the new structure, the Board of Directors, the Leadership Council, and the Board of Governors will have different responsibilities (previously all under the old EC structure)
- we are working to make sure that each of these Boards will work together as a team, not as individual structures
- we recommend (in response to a request from NACCC staff) to a one-executive model for the National Association
- the Board of Directors have elected to fill a position for a Director of Development and Communications
- we hired an interim executive secretary (under the old model, 2 years ago)
- a strategic staffing sub-committee came back with the recommendation of a single executive, to be augmented with various support personnel
from Art Ritter - an examination of motion 2013 EC 016, where some working was changed
Ratification of actions
- this is a list of all the combined actions taken by the Executive Committee and Board of Directors (pages 1 & 2 of a given report) - all were adopted
Strategic Staffing subcommittee to present report
- Jim DeLine explained the process whereby the subcommittee reached their decision to recommend a single executive position
- their job was not to just appoint, but to communicate with the body
- they looked for input, and heard from lots of people (which increased their time)
- then they went to work: what's being done? what's best done by which people?
- their recommendation is Congregational, not top-heavy, fiscally responsible
- they will hear responses during a Town Hall meeting later today
Introduction of Resolution(s) by the Executive Committee
- these will be voted on in a later meeting
Motion from the floor, regarding 2013 EC 031, that the Misconduct Handbook be accepted, but returned to the committee for strengthening and to specifically state that misconduct is incompatible with Christian teaching. Motion passed.
naccc general meeting - Monday morning business
Vote on Articles and Bylaws
-an amendment which allows the incoming vice moderator to *not* have to serve for six years was adopted
-an amendment that the youth delegate only serve one year (the same term as everyone else) was adopted
-an amendment (to sect. 4 para 1a) about the proposed mediation committee: members of that subcommittee will only make recommendations to their representative committees was adopted
** reminder ** we are still waiting for the IRS to officially recognize our non-profit status; what we're voting for recognizes that we're still stuck; as soon as the IRS gives us our approval, the proposed changes will be implemented the first quarter afterwards
passed unanimously!
- - editorial comment: it's pretty neat to see that a bunch of ministers and congregants trip a bit over formal language used in formal business meetings; we are God's people, trying our best to use unfamiliar language infrequently, just to make sure that our decisions can be clearly examined in the future
Nominating Committee
- because we're still "in process", we have to elect a slate of officers for the 'old structure' and also we have to elect a slate of officers for the 'new structure'
Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee - Rev. Bill Trump
- Bill Trump handled the 'old structure' slate, and the slate was passed
- Claudia Kneifel handled the 'new structure' slate, and the slate was passed
- our lawyers informed us that the nominating committee must have certain positions ratified by the body (again, a by-product of the transitional nature), and those nominations were passed
Nomination and Election for Nominating Committee
- three names were nominated from the floor, and all accepted and were voted in
Another Day at the NACCC 2014
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Missionary presentations
Pan American Institute - Mexico
Hosanna Industries - Pennsylvania
Morgan Scott ministry - Tennessee
Bible Lecture-Session One
Sometimes the theory isn't enough!
Dr. Cleaves takes us to the Emmaus Road to encounter the two disciples...
They need to realize that Jesus was with them, even on the road. Like Joshua 1:6, our theme verse.
Using a verse from Joshua, a book that includes sections used by some to justify genocide, causes some questions about how we read the Old Testament.
A key understanding of how we read the Old Testament comes from the Emmaus story; the disciples KNEW their scriptures and knew that Jesus was the messiah in the same manner that Joshua was. However, the story had ended with his death, an unthinkable possibility.
When Jesus meets them, he tells them they have read it wrong, then explains it to them. In detail. Interpreting all the texts about himself, a story we do not hear, but that we might be able to reconstruct.
What he told them that day would form how they would read the scriptures from that day forward. So we can look at Acts and the other New Testament to see the 'genius of Jesus himself' that he shared on the road to Emmaus.
What was the strategy of Jesus as he interpreted the scriptures?
We look at Luke 10:25-37, the parable of the Good Samaritan. Dr. Cleaves invites us to discuss: what does this story say to us today?
My conversation ties together two thoughts: that we are called to go and do likewise by Jesus, like the one who showed mercy, and the thought that there are two people who show mercy-the Samaritan and the innkeeper. What can they teach us about love? About mercy?
In talking about a trip the Holy Land, Dr Cleaves talks about visiting Peter's house in Capernaum and the synagogue across the street. Synagogue in Greek translates as congregational in Latin, wherever people gather! "Wherever two or three..." connects us across faith traditions!
In the synagogue, one teaches and all ask questions...the way to read and study scripture in the Jewish approach. In the questioning, the truth of scripture emerges.
So let's look at the text again...
Verse 25, a lawyer stood up to test Jesus. (this would be normal to ask questions, not a threat)
A respectful question...what must I do to inherit eternal life? How do I get eternal life from someone who has gone before? How do I inherit from those before the full life here and now not bounded by death?
Jesus sends him back to the law...two questions! (normal!)
What is written? And what do YOU read there? The words and the interpretation are important, the understanding is key.
The expert in the law answers with the two Old Testament texts that hold the whole of the law.
Jesus says you are correct so LIVE! (not eternal life only but life right now)
Then another question...followed by the story. Some will be uncomfortable as they hear it, but not all. Those who seek the literal word and the details therein will struggle with what Jesus has to say.
The figures who reflect the temple culture walk past the man who has been beaten.
Only the Samaritan, who does not have the exact same law to work from, or the same history or connection to the temple, stops to offer help, to be a neighbor, to bring mercy. His way of reading the law is different from the priest or the Levite.
So Jesus's question is about which one of the three read the law, and got it right! And he affirms the Samaritan and says we should do likewise.
This can tell us about how Jesus read the law...to find the truth within it.
Test this:
Jesus and lepers
Jesus and the bleeding woman
Jesus and the woman caught in adultery
Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount
Jesus chooses to move away from the literal words of the law to find the truth within, the measure of love and mercy. And Jesus promises to be with us, on the road and in our strategy to read the Bible.
How do we read the Bible?
Jesus asked: what is written in the Law? AND what do you read there?
The answer was Love God and Love your Neighbour, so remember the story Jesus told and don't limit who your neighbor is. (British spelling!)
We closed in prayer, asking that we may walk as Jesus walked and read the Bible as Jesus read the Bible, seeking to love God and to love our neighbor, whoever they may be. Amen!
Bible Lecture 1 - Dr. Richard Cleaves
A blog connection!
...in the light of God!
http://rcbr13861.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/page6.html will give you some information about Rev. Dr. Richard Cleaves, about halfway down the page. He comes highly recommended through our International Congregational Fellowship where he was the Bible lecturer last summer.
This blog should be filled with notes and thoughts...enjoy!
A Curious Table - a sermon from Rev. Tom Van Tassell
A Curious Table - sermon by Rev. Tom Van Tassell. Audio Here
"the unofficial seating chart - you know who sits where in your local church"
the different people in the family of God come from different places and contexts, but we gather together because we are God's people - it is He who draws us.
What does Communion mean to you?
- a restart, a boost
- a remembrance that we are together
- a reminder of what has been given to me by Jesus
- it makes me feel whole again
- I am a child of Christ, no matter what
Four things that are going on at the Table:
1 - Remembering: we remember the story of Jesus, and give thanks
we can remember that Jesus saw our need to be reminded
God meets us and shapes us in worship
remembering in contrast to dismembering! putting back together
re-membering, re-attaching branch to The Vine; strengthens our relationship
2 - Forgiving; re-strengthening of relationships between church congregations
re-starting: we confess, we repent, we commit, we are straightened
3 - Binding together; Communion reminds us that the Body of Christ extends far beyond the Table around which the local body meets
we are reconciled with one another; we forgive others as Christ forgives us
4 - Looking into the future; Communion is like Thanksgiving at the kids table - when we share in the Lord's Supper, we are brought into the "Big Table" with God
there are times when words are not enough; that's when we engage in ritual
the preacher is more sacramental than he was as a young man, because of
the practice of communion with others, that used various traditions, styles, etc.
God is with us at the Table
This kind of work requires a Meal!
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Congregational Lecture Notes
-from Peggy Bendroth
Begin by imaging we're in a time machine...
- June 1865: 1/2 million people dead; thousands freed from slavery, but what will happen to them? Tensions between North and South are still very high. THIS is when our Congregational ancestors decided to call a national meeting.
A group philosophically opposed to large gatherings were trying to gather together...
Meeting in the Old South Meeting House in Boston, Mass. It's hot, smelly, and lots of visitors were interrupting. There are NO copies available, so the reports had to be READ OUT LOUD. It took DAYS.
500 delegates gathered to hear the report... the challenge to expand their particular gospel to the West.
2 Goals - a declaration of faith, and a document of Congregational polity
Background: not everyone had a good understanding of what Congregationalism meant -
Majority of Congregationalists didn't really understand how their own polity worked!
by the early 1800's, when Congregationalists spread out West, things got complicated...
The "elevator speech" - "what's a Congregationalist?" was needed!
What do LIVING men now believe and teach? was the cry
For example - the Declaration of Faith was too short; 8 seminarians were added to the committee, and 2 days later their document set off a firestorm!
- it was defensive
- it said Calvinism was the core doctrine of Congregationalism everywhere
= problem; we don't want a declaration that is based on ancient beliefs, but beliefs from 1865
= Calvinism was the standard of "a respectable man"
The document of Congregational Polity was VERY long
- author was Leonard Bacon, not known for time management skills (read it ALL OUT LOUD)
- based on the Cambridge Platform
- referred to a committee, where it languished for 7 years; was then published... and ignored.
How do we remain faithful to our tradition?
- It's HARD to be a Congregationalist. It's difficult, it's messy, it's counter-cultural, and it's even more necessary today because it is an authentic method of interaction in today's society.
Afternoon Reports
* Growth - Mark Jurewicz
~devotional literature editors - Lenten and Advent Devotional literature written by our own members
~brochures - ways to enhance worship, planting churches, analyze church's growth, technology
~youth - task team members needed; Sunday school material / VBS
~stewardship services - gathering materials about giving, will planning, planned giving - help needed
* Mission & Outreach - Laura Hamby
~thanks for generosity - in spite of economic situation, more giving this year than years past
~ways to be involved in missions - task teams; learn more from the Missionary Society; QR codes available that take you directly to mission info; make care packages during Annual Meeting
~last and best thing - we have great missions, with lots of variety; our missionaries aren't just people doing a work, they're our friends!
* Vitality - Barbara Erlendson
~Barbara introduces the concept of vitality using musical terms
~help churches refresh and renew themselves with various ministries
~help ministers refresh themselves through the Minister's Convocation
~our goal - to be there for whatever our churches need
* The Congregationalist Magazine
~Larry Sommers, editor, will be retiring next year
~magazine is doing well, but more revenue is needed (magazine is as $ efficient as possible)
~confident that a careful search process for a great editor will happen
~significant improvements - 40 pages (from 32); larger type, looser layouts; redesigned subscription request sheet (the "tip-on") - even clearer to explain that the magazine is not free to produce
~magazine is asking for design suggestions from attendees at the Annual Meeting
~3 possible redesigns for the magazine - stop by and let them know what you think about the format
* Congregational Foundation - Carolyn Sundquist
~the purpose of the CF is to raise money to support the programs of the NACCC
~2013 results: over $500,000 was contributed through 11 different funds
~value of the investments as of 31 March 2014: $3.4 million
~2 funds that directly support local churches: the John Richard fund, for artistic expression; and the Providence Fund, which helps small churches attend the Annual Meeting (5 churches sent this year)
~Fund Development Corporation gave a comprehensive report on the NACCC & Foundation that helped us see our strengths and weaknesses in fund-raising
~As a result of the report, they will fill the Director of Development and Communications position, paid for out of Foundation funds
Strategic Staffing Proposal
You can find the information about our work and the proposal on the NA website at http://www.naccc.org/yearbook/annualmeeting_2014.aspx Please check it out and if you have questions, find one of the Strategic Staffing Team members and ask / discuss. We'll be glad to answer your questions. Team members are: Jim DeLine, John Miller, Art Ritter, Laura Hamby, and Dawn Carlson.
from Dr. Betsy Mauro's report -
Here she is, reenacting one of the scenes from the film. All levity aside, all of our NACCC staff do an amazing job, and we're blessed to have them.
New Website, By-Law and Article changes
To that end, I give easy links to the pdfs of the Article and By-Law changes here:
Our newest churches say "hi"
(this links to a 2 second video of our new friends)
New NACCC Churches 2014
New Churches brought into the NACCC - voted in unanimously:
Christ First Community of Faith
60 High Lane
North Haven, Connecticut 06473
Allison Congregational Church
502 N. Main Street
Allison, Iowa 50602
Oakham Congregational Church
4 Coldbrook Road Unit #12
Oakham, Massachusetts 01068
Paramus Congregational Christian Church
163 Reid Way
Paramus, New Jersey 07652
Gomer Congregational Church
7350 Gomer Road
Gomer, Ohio 45809
More on Joshua Meditations
A shrine to Jesus as a boy, holding the world in His hands.
We can carry the weight of the world in our own strength, or we can allow The Lord to take our lives into His hands.
We have a choice: do we want to allow His Spirit to be in us, giving us strength, and helping us learn?
We can learn from Joshua - be strong and courageous, we can let God replace our desire to rule our own life, and let God direct us.
Are we ready to let go?
Meditation on Joshua
"Joshua listens; 'be strong and courageous'...
...we listen, very closely, to be reminded that God is with us."
Our Artist in Residence
Jennifer Mally created the art featured all over this year's meeting, from the registration form, to the attendee folders, to the very cool tote bags everyone received. Check out her work at www.haveaheartcreations.com
Notice anything unusual? Unlike every other year, these bags have no identifiers. No year. No location. That's intentional. The artist and the host committee hope you'll take them home and "recycle" them. Find someone else who needs it and share the love!